Friday 26 December 2014

Do you need to die everyday to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix!

What is death ? Is it just the non existence of the physical realm of the 5 senses or is it the crumbling of the "I" that we hold on to so tightly ?

 Well, for me death is  the space of no "I"ness- a drop of the cloak of the ego...whether it is a business - loss , an orgasm- where you give in to the other so totally  or a close bond with someone for that matter.

The minute you are able  to surrender to something outside the 'I' ______if a form of a mini death - a let go phenomenon.

 Well, the learning from any of the above situations is a learning, a lesson.

 If the purpose of a seemingly tough situation, is to allow us the space to learn lessons in the school of life- and if we examine closely the lessons are nothing but karma cutting exercises- it is painful for sure.

The journey pushes you into the abyss, a deep and dark space where clarity and equanimity seem a distant reality, and then you hit rock bottom.

 Once you fall so hard that you can't fall any lower...

Something magical happens- your false pretence of your ego shell cracks open and the person you inherently are emerges, almost like you are just born. By now your pain has also made you compassionate towards others suffering. Anger, jealousy have long left you when you were sinking in.

The minute you are able  to surrender to something outside the 'I' ______it is a form of a mini death - a let go phenomenon and that is the sole purpose of the relationship, the orgasm or the business loss.

You are literally born again, empathetic, compassionate, full of kinetic energy like a baby ready to move and float upwards- the new found passion (which may be mistaken as aggression by some) propels you upwards-  towards the goals you set for yourself  when you were nascent and learnt patience in the process.

This new found goal and enthusiasm keeps you going and yet gives you life- and you having arisen from the ashes like the Phoenix  - have died just to be born again! But if we were true to ourselves and learnt  the lessons of surrendering the ego as our daily spiritual discipline would we need the fall to rise again.

The author is a well known Wellness Coach with the qualifications of a Clinical Psychologist, Homoeopath and Counsellor in Mumbai.  This is a blog started to address the everyday issues one faces in the hustle bustle of Mumbai in the Land of the Tiger- India!

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